Jeffrey Grant Brown, P.C.
Representing clients in litigation matters throughout the United States and Internationally

Legal Counsel in the following areas:



Jeffrey Grant Brown, P.C. represents clients in a variety of courts, panels and tribunals across the country, including state and federal court; municipal, state and federal administrative agencies; and mediation and arbitration forums nationwide.

Collective Action and Class Action Litigation

Jeffrey Grant Brown, P.C. represents groups of employees (in the restaurant, hospitality, janitorial, retail, call center, and other industries) in collecting amounts owed to them by employers who have violated federal and state employment law, including wage laws. These violations commonly include wage and hour violations, like “time-shaving” or “rounding”, unpaid overtime, illegal tip pooling or withholding of tips, illegal deductions for food or uniforms, deductions for credit card fees, unpaid time at the beginning or end of shifts, and other violations of law and regulations.

Commercial Law

Jeffrey Grant Brown, P.C. has negotiated, litigated and tried commercial disputes, supply and service contract disputes and other general business and commercial law claims, including claims involving restrictive covenants and covenants not to compete, and can lend a special perspective to understanding your opponent’s thinking as a result.

Consumer Fraud

Jeffrey Grant Brown, P.C. has successfully prosecuted fraud claims brought under the Illinois Consumer Fraud Act in state and federal court and in arbitration, on an individual basis and on a class action basis. We have been involved in litigating class action cases in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois against a seller of home warranties; against Illinois utilities for overcharges; and against financial institutions and lenders for transaction overcharges. If you have experienced overcharges which are questionable, and have information about such claims that you would like to share with us, please contact us.

Employment Law

Jeffrey Grant Brown, P.C. has represented both employers and employees in a variety of employment matters; we offer a full range of service in Employment Law and litigation, including:

Contracts – Interpretation, drafting, negotiating, and litigation of contracts.

Arbitration Agreements – Interpretation, drafting and litigating the enforceability of an arbitration clause; and the underlying agreement between the parties, whether in employment matters or consumer transactions.

Non-competition agreements – Fighting and obtaining emergency court orders on non-competition agreements for employers and employees; and interpreting and litigating covenants not to compete.

Separation and Severance Agreements – Reviewing proposed severance terms prior to employment, and negotiating and litigating terms of separation at and after termination of employment.

Employee Benefits and ERISA claims – Examining, negotiating and litigating claims for life insurance, disability insurance, medical insurance, retirement benefits and other employee benefits.

Wage and Hour claims – Negotiating and litigating claims involving failure to pay or correctly calculate employee pay and compensation, salary, wages, commissions, bonuses and benefits; overtime claims, including failure to pay overtime and miscalculation of overtime or straight time hourly rates; misclassification as exempt from FLSA overtime and minimum wage protection; and misclassification as independent contractor vs. employee status.

Privacy Law

We represent clients in claims related to privacy, including slander, libel, defamation, Computer Fraud and Abuse Act claims, Stored Communications Act claims, trade secrets, public disclosure of private facts, publicity rights, and privacy rights, which are increasingly important when data breaches by large information gatherers have become routine, and information becomes more easily obtained and more valuable.

Disability and other Insurance Policy Claims

The firm represents policy holders of disability insurance in claims against their carriers, when an insurance company refuses to pay on legitimate claims of disability, life insurance, and other insurance policies. We are familiar with the legal and factual arguments posed by insurance companies and their lawyers, when they deny legitimate claims. We have successfully collected millions of dollars for our clients from the litigation of these claims, in spite of those arguments.

Mandamus Actions in Immigration & Citizenship Matters

We have represented dozens of individuals and families in mandamus actions against the federal Government for failure to timely process N-400 Applications for Naturalization, for failure to adjudicate the I-485 Application To Adjust To Permanent Resident Status, and related claims.  While we can never promise an application will be adjudicated favorably, the filing of a mandamus action will frequently prompt the Government to make a decision on a stalled application.


The information posted on this website is purely informational, and should not be relied upon as legal advice. No attorney-client relationship is created between you and this firm or any attorney associated with this firm until we reach an agreement about representation and a retainer agreement has been signed by you and us. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss retention on your legal matters.


>> Phone: 312.789.9700

>> Fax: 312.789.9702

© 2024 Jeffrey Grant Brown, P.C.